Standards Projects

Standards for XQuery Applications

EXQuery Standards Projects are born out of the XQuery application developer community's needs. These needs can be identified in several ways -

  • Research - identifying common yet proprietary functionality already provided by XQuery implementations.
  • Use Cases - gathering and collating where developers have needed to extend XQuery to enable an application.
  • Experience - Core team members have been involved in XQuery application development at various levels and will be able to identify areas of interest.

Our first project and raison d'ĂȘtre is that of establishing an EXQuery Function Library.

However, we welcome you to register your use cases with us and discuss your needs or even to join us and help create these standards.


Boring but necessary

All EXQuery standards are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. We believe that this is the correct licence for such an effort because of its following properties -


Anyone may use, copy, distribute or transmit our works.

No Derivative Works

Whilst these standards are developed by the community in an open and collaborative way, they are still standards and as such there must be a single point of truth, thus ensuring the source and quality of our standards.


The EXQuery Standards must be attributed back to; again this helps ensure the source and quality of our standards.

EXQuery Function Library

The First EXQuery Standards Project
A sapling

Our first project is to establish an EXQuery Function Library. This will be an optional set of XQuery function modules that may be provided by any implementation. Many implementations already provide additional function modules for use in XQuery on their own platforms, however they are incompatible with other implementations. Coalescing these function modules into a neutral standardised function library that may be provided by any implementation is our first step.